thanks for your info
Good morning Spanishpoet I was wondering where do you your freelance writing from? Is there a website? Thanks Joanne (Horndogg)
thanks for the rep and mice comment -I love shoppers and had fun doing my 2 redemptions -could have done 3 but I am saving those for another time (plus only 2 of us in the household so don't need as much as bigger households)
Thanks so much for the rep
Thanks for the rep !!
Thanks for the rep!
dropping by to say hi
thanks for the great trade -have a great night
Thanks for the rep and the congrats even though this was last year. Somebody must have bumped my post. Although DH and I did splurge last Sunday and went again. I won just over $2000.00 so we payed off our bathroom reno and some other things.
thanks for the rep-have a great day
thanks for the rep! have a great day
Thanks kindly for the rep..HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Thanks for the rep
Your visitor messages looked bare, so i thought I'd say hello!
I love to Trade
Senior Canuck
Savvy Saver