Conversation Between Littlemoe0 and hithere

33 Visitor Messages

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  1. Just popping in to say hello, hope all is well, haven't seen ya in a bit. Take care, Moe.
  2. Happy Canada Day!!!
  3. Great weekend, so far. Very social so far, which is great. Going to see Up! today....looks cute. Hope your weekend is going well, too.
  4. Hello hithere, how's your weekend going? Thanks for the rep boost and hope you have a great day, take care, Moe.
  5. Thank you for the loads of luck rep hithere, hope you had a grat weekend, and an awesome start to a new week. Moe.
  6. Hithere hithere, thank you for the rep boost, gotta work all day so hope you have a better one than I do, take care, Moe.
  7. Okay, have a good day, even if you have to do taxes, ick. Talk later and good luck to you, Moe.
  8. Yes, it still startles me when I win something. Big or small! Well, I am sending wishes for great luck you way! Let me know when you hit on something. Now, I have to go do my big wins there...UGGHHH!
  9. Wow, you did have a great month. I had won a couple small things from instant wins, looking forward to a larger win, but the small ones keep me going.
  10. Yes, it has been a good month. I won one of the weekly contests from the Glade Sense & Spray (so $300 gift basket of Glade products, bathrobe, slippers, personal spa products), and a writing contest for a friend of mine. She won $500 to the charity of her choice.
  11. Glad to hear you've been good busy, what all did you win this month? And yep, heard the weekend is suppose to be real nice.
  12. I have been incredibly busy too, Littlemoe0! But good busy, so it's okay. Not enough time for contesting however...although I did manage to win to pretty good prizes this month, so I can't complain! Hope you have a great weekend. Some beautiful weather our way.
  13. Thanks for the rep boost hithere, how's things been going? Busy around here lately, but hopefuly things will go back to normal, take care and have a great weekend, Moe.
  14. Happy Easter wishes sent your way hithere, take care and have a great weekend, Moe.
  15. Thank you for the rep boost hithere, hope you have a great week, Moe.
  16. Ya, it would be nice to get out, nothing fancy but it would be fun.
  17. Well, I have my fingers crossed that you find a sitter because the cleaning can wait...but life's too short to miss out on dancing!
  18. Doubt it. We were thinking about going to a dance tomorrow night, but now have to wait and see if we get a sitter or not. Other than that, cleaning up the place, what a mess, I don't think 48 hours is anywhere's near enough time.
  19. Your welcome. As for the weekend...I'm hoping to get my office cleaned up! If you could see the place you'd realize what a huge goal that is! And you? Hope your weekend plans are more exciting...
  20. Good morning, and thank you for the rep boost. Any big plans for the weekend?
  21. Thanks for the rep and the good luck wishes, have a great day, Moe.
  22. Thank you for the rep and no prob with song titles, but missed yesterday's.
  23. Your welcome. Had a great weekend thanks. Had a great time with friends and laughed a lot with my I guess I am lucky!
  24. Hi hithere, thank you for the rep boost, and best of luck to you! Hope you had a great weekend, take care, Moe.
  25. Thanks so much for the rep. Have a wonderful day!
  26. Thank you for the rep boost hithere, have a great Monday!
  27. Thanks for the rep boost. And a VERY happy new year to you, too!! Wishing you much luck and happiness.
  28. Thank you, and yes we celebrate too. I wasn't sure when I put it on yours, but noticed your Santa avatar, and thought it was safe. Happy Holidays, Moe.
  29. Your very welcome! Wishing you a wonderful Christmas (if you celebrate), or happy holidays (if you celebrate something else). All the best in the New Year too!
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