Conversation Between Littlemoe0 and MissGodiva2u

12 Visitor Messages

  1. Where have ya been? Just checkin in, Moe.
  2. Are ya hiding? Give shout later, Moe.
  3. Hey there, haven't seen ya for a bit, just checking in, Moe.
  4. Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you made some plans for yourself to have a wonderful day, take care, Moe.
  5. awww, you're so sweet ,thank you for the good wish, hopefully by the end of the week I will have some good news to share about a certain Teddy In the meantime I hope your week will be "funtastic "
  6. Good Morning, hoping you have a great start to a new week.
  7. Everything went very nicely, and the girls had alot of fun. We had 12 for breakfast, and 14 for supper, and I am glad it's over. Take care, Moe.
  8. Thank you for sking, yep I did survive being alone for the holidays, ugh ! Hopefully I will get a teddy bear for next holidays. How were yours ? Did everything go as planned ?
  9. Hi there, how's it been going? Survive all the holidays?
  10. Merryest Xmas ever to you and yours, enjoy !
  11. Dropping in and saying Hello.
  12. Thank you for the rep, and am sorry to hear you can't show your nation proudly. Talk later, Moe.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 12 of 12