I'm so sad to see that you are sad. I wish I could give you a real in-person hug.
I know that this is a crucial appointment today!! I just wanted you to know that I've said prayers and am with you in spirit!! More hugs!
Thank you for my Christmas "card" and my New Year's rep!! I soooo hope you are feeling better!!!
Hopefully more after the holiday....thanks so much Michelle....you are super awesome!!!!
So good to have you around, even if it is only once every couple days!
Awww thanks! You are the first to notice!
Exactly! I think for each holiday you should give little kitty a new symbol!!
I just saw, it is almost your birthday!! HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY!!!! Meow!
I had to keep the kitty, it wouldn't be the same if I replaced him.. lol
Have fun on your trip...hoping it's somewhere you want to go!! Do you get to have computer access???
did you get your question answered about multiple quotes??
LOL! The Skwish one reminded me of this one:
HAHA Isn't that "No Skwish" thing priceless?? here's a cute one that I just saw:
I meant to send the "real" thing soon after but got distracted.... So here it is.... Now doesn't that look good??? LOL! Hoping you have a better day today! Love the kitty pic!
Hahahahaha that chicken noodle soup thing you put on my messages is priceless! Kids are just runny nosed, nothing else thank goodness. They both just got over the Pneumonia, I'd hate to see them sick again. Thanks for the well wishes!
I was sorry to hear that you and the kids are feeling bad. I might be a little late, but sending some nice chicken noodle soup
Thanks for your work with the wiki! Tried to give you rep, but hadn't spread it around enough yet.