Conversation Between lolipop.yaz and ecat444

28 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi, I've been good. Just got back from Mexico last week, so coming down from that. It was a great trip, posted some pics last Sunday if you can find them! I'm so grateful to have won. It was a fantastic resort and beach. Hope your doing well!
  2. How are ya, by the way?
  3. Thanks for the valentines puppy, so cute!!
  4. Thank you Merry belated Christmas
  5. Best wishes this holiday season lolipop!
  6. Thanks for the reps Hope all is well with you.
  7. Wow, must have been quite the experience. I've never been outside of North America
    Have a great weekend!
  8. Gee thanks for the glad your back rep! I missed you guys too, although I have to admit the place I was at was beautiful! Palm trees galore!!!

    Hope your summer is going great! TTYL!
  9. Thanks for the get well repz. Have a great weekend.
  10. That's so great though!!! Its one of those things you can look back at and talk about. A neat experience for sure. Glad you had a good time there, you look really great!
  11. Thanks, it was fun to be there and they give you a few freebies just to be there. Figure people would like to know who they are speaking to every day on here so know they know! (little embarrassed but what the hey!) TTYL!
  12. Nooooo I love Goddo!!!!! Man thats awesome, I'm totally gonna buy the DVD to see what I missed! Its really great you got his pic :D
  13. Oh good, you had me worried, I thought you didn't like them! I stayed to the end which was around 12:45! They played around 2 hours! I was right front and centre so when the DVD comes out I'll probably be in it. A little juvenile but I was thrilled when he handed me his guitar pic, I'm a fan from a way, way back!!!
  14. I loved it!!! But I came with my uncle and he got antsy, I pushed him to stay as long as possible, and I wish I could've stayed longer, but I had to get home anyways, had to take my grandma to bingo the next day.. and it was 11pm when we took off. See Spot Run was amazing and Goddo is just <3 (heart) Greg can still bring it eh, and they were all lookin so stylish ahhh maybe next time.
  15. Hi, I actually looked around for you in between the bands but didn't see you! Geez, you left after a few songs of Goddo, did you not like them! I was right up front I really enjoyed them! See Spot Run were good too, but I just seen the second half.
  16. Hi, yes, hope you enjoy the show tonight too. They are looking older but I'll bet they'll still rock the house! That lead singer (Greg) has been in good bands since he was 13! I hope its the original band. If I see you I will definitely say "hi". TTYL!
  17. Hey have fun at the Goddo concert tonight, it should be really good!!!! If you see me there say hi LOL
  18. Hey!! Your pretty lucky though just seeing the contest yesterday and winning tickets right away, good on ya!!!!
    Someone gave me my tickets First time I've ever gotten free tickets, I usually pay for mine, well a pair. So this was a good surprise!
    I know him from youtube and old clips stuff like that. Never seen Goddo live though, should be interesting, and very fun. The music is great!
  19. Hey, I've got the same deal as you with wanting to see G.T, but I'm also going to see Goddo tomorrow! I won the tickets yesterday. Goddo is one of my old time faves, used to go see them all the time years ago! I was surprised to read your post where do you know them from and where did you get your tickets?
  20. My fingers are crossed fer ya!!
    Have fun at the breakfast with Andit, and hope you both get a chance to win some cash!!
  21. Hey, thanks for the positive thoughts. That call just doesn't seem to want to come my way, waaaaahh. I keep waiting and hoping. One more day and I don't think I'll be able to hear the final one at 5:40 but I'll try for the first two. Please, please call me, give me a chance!!! Have a good one lilipop!
  22. Hey just catching up. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hope it rocks!
  23. Thanks for the rep, I'm definately gonna enjoy it. Just waiting for my uncle to come over
    Hope you had fun at the library and such <3
  24. I'm like that too now. My aunt used to say I'm naturally attracted to the high priced stuff, because when we shopped together I'd unknowingly basket expensive things, cuz I just plucked from the racks, I was like 12 then. Now I know money doesn't grow on trees, so I watch what I spend more. I still buy some regular price things, but only if I really love 'em. I'm not as careless as I was when I worked in the mall LOL
  25. I like to shop wherever the good sales are. Winner's is good. I'm so used to not paying full price for things I won't even look unless its on sale! The same with groceries. I've never been to Giant Tiger.
  26. Thanks!! I love the stuff I got, well worth it. Giant Tiger has some awesome things!! I bought mostly clothes Where do you like to shop?
  27. Thnx for the rep
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 28 of 28