Conversation Between LSRussell and puzzlepieces

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey
    Sorry I didnt get back to you about this msg i have been dealing with this nasty cold and finally seem to be getting over it.
    What does the rest of your week look like?
  2. Morning! Yeah I would love to meet still! What about next Monday afternoon or Tuesday morning?
  3. Hey Terry I just saw this msg. I kind of forget there are messages on here! Are you still up for meeting?
  4. Hi ,sorry things have been a little wild at this end. Why don't we pick a day to meet for coffee next week?
  5. Hey Terry
    I just saw this msg today (wed). Things are going good here how are things with you?
  6. Good morning. How are you making out? I am going to try trading for the SC inserts this round.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6