Conversation Between maryse37 and tobybennett

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi,
    most of the referral pages cost money to sign up. I did add canada directories which was good. the forum link you gave me didn't work. if you know more websites like smartcanucks I would like to sign up.
    I don't have a referral link for synovate... I just do refer a friend manually but you only get 100 points, and 5000 points = 5$. Synovate is almost a waste of time.

    Je parle francais aussi, si c'est plus simple. Vous pourez me repondre en francais si tu veut. Mon francais est peut-etre plus pire que ton englais, donc c'est ton choix.
  2. hello again, to help you promote your blog i find this forum(maybe you know it)

  3. Hello

    it is me again, i try to find new paid survey for my blog....i can help you with affiliate networking program(where to apply) for today i like to know where do you register to have a paid link with synovate.......
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3