Conversation Between MercyEhm and EuropeanPenguin

16 Visitor Messages

  1. Serieux! Genre de maman qui a trop hate que son enfant grandisse. Genre de maman qui comprendra jamais pourquoi le p'tit de 5ans comprends pas encore toutes les lois de la maison, genre de maman qui va s'attendre a ce que son enfant aille la maturité d'un adult a l'age de 10ans pis va s'enrager quand cela ne marche pas! Stupid people.... it's a disease! I'm just happy it isn't contagious!
  2. Hey Mercy, just saw your post in the parents thread... OMG solid food at 4 months
  3. Merry Christmas... bonne route demain Passes un bon noël et nous vous souhaitons une année 2011 pleinne de liberté, de joie et de santé à toi et à Dominic... See you on the other side
  4. Beau coup d'cochon! Pour girl. Moi ca fait 2 semaines qui est parti. C'est pas facile seule et malade avec un bebe mais c'est pas mal moin stressant! He's here this weekend because his friend has company and can't accomodate him but I leave on Wednesday so it shouldn't be too bad. At least if i need to I'll be able to sleep during the day. Ti Bebe refusing to sleep is killing me. Separation Anxiety yay! La minute que je sort de la chambre c'est la crise de nerfs. He only sleeps if he's on me. Pas facile! I don't want to bring him in my bed so I've been sleeping in the lazyboy in his room. Ayayay. Vive les p'tits beb qui ne parlent pas!
  5. Salut... moi aussi je me cache LOL... Dealing with all the drama... ma soeur a finalement compris et se sépare... elle a du les pogner ensemble pour realiser. He is being a real a** Only the money counts!!! I'll give you full custody if you ask for a reduce pension or we go to court and ask for shared custody and give you less money... Juste avant noël... isn't this lovely... Anyhow, I hope your doing ok... don't worry about the sleeping thing... Emily did the same... she started to nap again when she started walking...
  6. I wouldn't call it hiding persé... I just don't have much time on here since Dominic refuses to sleep so when I do log on, I like to be in and out without being noticed

    Besides, with all the drama and the BS I've been getting lately from people who don't seem to have much else to do BUT create chaos it's just easier this way. I swear this place can be worse than highschool sometimes!

    A part ca... ca va?
  7. Hey Mercy... are you hiding?
  8. Cool I have no plans so I'm in!
  9. Hey Mercy... How goes it? I'm free on Thursday this week ( swimming lessons are over LOL) I also left a message to patty to see if you girls want to meet... I have a 5$ off Heinz formula for you Let me know
  10. Happy Halloween to you too!
  11. sounds good!
  12. Likewise I had a good time. We should get together more often. Now that I know Mondays and Thursdays are good for you we'll work it out.
  13. Thank you for the coffee and the playdate...needed it
  14. Merci! If anyone asks I'm still 29
  15. Bonne Fête!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 16 of 16