Conversation Between MiltonFreecycle and KK7

20 Visitor Messages

  1. Nice to see you Hope all is well
  2. I find summer ALWAYS busy!
  3. That is too cute. Been busy here. How ya been?
  4. aww too cute
  5. Thx for the warning. I will wait until the little one goes to bed then, otherwise I'll have to give her a tissue too. She cries everytime someone else does.
  6. you will need tisue
  7. I did see your post this morning but, it's blocked behind the firewall here at the office so I will be checking it out tonight. Hope it doesn't make me cry. :**(
  8. Hi Milton thanks for the post...did you happen to see the song I posted for Nancy last night I thought it was a good fit
  9. lol well least it all evens out
  10. I think my 3 yr old is my sanity pill!
  11. I feel your pain I swear my 13 year old could win an award!lol
  12. Yep! Love 'em to death but I could kill 'em sometimes! LOL....
  13. lol I had no clue you had two 13 year old girls yikes!
  14. always! just makin' sure you keep it that way!!
  15. Do I not look happy?lol
  16. Thanks for the rep
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 20 of 20