Conversation Between miniv and cheapskate101

20 Visitor Messages

  1. LOL its nice to see you back
    Wheres TL?? I miss you guys' ld brags!!
  2. LOL!! awwww so sweet!!
    lol slowly having a life again!
  3. maybbeeee LOL
  4. nopeeee...BC mail has been REALLY slow the past 2 weeks!!! on sunday..i sent an envie to itsakeychain that only lives 2 cities away..30 min drive..and it still hasnt arrived yet!! my mailbox is pretty empty lately too!! =(

    did u send something? LOL!!
  5. did u recieve a package in the mail lately
  6. hehehe thanks for the rep!!
  7. thanks for the rep!
  8. haha still in the process of setting it up!!!
  9. HAHAHA thanks for the rep LOL!! yes..i need to on my procrastination break again

    like every 10 mins ROFL im so bad
  10. hahaha oh cheapskate, you're so funny!!
  11. noppee we didnt get him from a accidental breeder on a farm lol!
  12. but they are soooo CUTE! did you get your pooch from a shelter?
  13. :o!! omg! i can never go to'll melt my heart! i want to take them all home! but i know i it makes me feel even worse!
  14. awwww so cute! i want a dog sooo badly. we went to the shelter and saw a husky literally crying! it was so sad
  15. LOL!! no..he doesn't attack..but he'll steal other doggie's balls!! and run away with them LOL
  16. LOL all i can think of is him attacking a pitbul now.
  17. LOL!! don't let that innocent face fool u..hes a big brat and bully!! haha
  18. OMG YOUR DOG IS SOOOOOO cute! i wanna just squish him, but i wont. LOL
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 20 of 20