Conversation Between miniwheats and sue1966

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Anytime just ask...if I dont have the answer I will find out for u!! Friends with a couple of senior canucks and believe me they know everything!! =)
  2. Hi,
    Just go to the coupons section scroll over coupons then when u see coupon database click on that all coupons are there....also u can order from or or alot of people use their and hubby email address so they can get a couple copies of the coupons
  3. I find it very, very exciting using coupons. The coupons I receive in the news paper anyway. I had two coupons in the amount of $1.00 each for Bushs Beans. The cans of beans cost me .27 cents after using the coupons. How does that grab ya? lol :D
  4. I wish I could understand how to use this site much more than I currently do . If I don't reply that's because I'm a little daft at the moment. I'm not too sure how I get coupons from here.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4