Conversation Between mizzsazzyazz and michelem

14 Visitor Messages

  1. looked and looked till I could find it .. this what his post said the one I found .. now hubby's Brithday is that weekend to so I will see if anything is happening if now maybe we could go to elmo's party

    I guess you want to know when it is! The weekend of August 27th!
    Admission and camping will be free! Food as well, as long as it lasts! BYOB!
  2. Hey mizz,the Saturday would be fun ,lets see who all sais they are going to go like u said and take it from there .Do you remember the date that it is again? Have a great sunday
  3. I guess we would head up for the sat? ok lets see who is going and run with that .. I think it would be great fun
  4. Hey girl,hope all is well with u ,id like to go to the party .If you want to go Id pay half the gas but dont think Id stay the night ,lets see how many other Qsters go and take it from there .Sound groovy?
    Have a good weekend
  5. Are you going to Elmo's party? I was thinking about it but don't have a clue how to get there.
  6. Thanks for thinking of me but I get up for work Sunday morning at 4:30am ,yucky,if it was like ACDC Id suck it up and stay up all night LOL...are u going to go ?have a great day!
  7. Hey michelem if you wanted to go I am sure we could get tickets and leave early. but it is up to you. chat soon.
  8. Hey girl,,I checked my schedule for next weekend and am not able to make it to the concert ,suckssss but thanks so much for the offer and cant wait to have a picnic and meet u ! take care.Michele
  9. I live by GM (old north plant)
  10. Hi mizzsazzyazz,I live close to GM ,how about u ? Hope your having a good weekend and relaxing
  11. Hi Mizz,,Ive lived in Oshawa for 21yrs now,I dont recall a pub called Barneys at bond towers.I dont go out to many
    pubs here but once in a while its ok to pop in for a beer
    Hope u have a nice moms day too,take care
  12. Hey Michele. how long have you lived in Oshawa? not sure you remember a
    bar called Barney's located Downtown in Bond Towers? that closed up and
    Excuses opened. and now Whiskey John's is owned my John one of the brothers. and Nick I think two of the brothers own Whiskey. Yes I have been there a few
    .. have a great day .. chat soon .. Happy Mothers Day
  13. No problem at all I hope u get to check the place out,really nice
    Have a great day!
  14. Thanks I will keep that one in mind ..
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 14 of 14