Conversation Between MortgageQueen and amira84

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Awwww.... thank you Amira. You're very kind. I can't take credit for it really though. It's all the bible training I had.
  2. Obviously you are pro-active in continually working positively on yourself and your family and this is what will keep you strong. Far too often, people wait til there's a Big problem and it's much more difficult to fix.
    Your little boy might enjoy theses children's videos that teach little life's lessons. They're quite popular with the kids. This one's on saying please and thank-you.
  3. Thanks mortgagequeen. This is my son when he was 4 yrs old. Now he is 6 yrs old.

    And your example and advices were great. You know, it's hard to adopt new things especially good things but if we keep reminding ourselves that we can do it, we should do it....we can do it eventually!

    And it's not that I have been going through rough times or something like that..... (God forbid!) But I liked this article so much that I wanted to share it with others, and wanted to have everyone read it so that, if anyone needed some advice or guidance in their life, they take it from this article or the comments/posts we write in this thread.
  4. Thanks Amira. Wasn't my best illustration ever, but it still works. What a Cutie in the pic you have there!!
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