Conversation Between NOTLER and mjones58

3 Visitor Messages

  1. AGAIN. This is uncanny. I was just reading up on the thread from yesterday and thought "I haven't heard from MJ, maybe I will post her a little message to see how her visit was going" and poof, you did it AGAIN. (Insert twlight zone music LOL).
    Hope you are having a good visit, looks like a good day today. Don't let him sleep it away LOL
  2. Thanks for looking out for me. You must have ESP like me. You think of someone and they call or something.
  3. I was just about to post you a message asking where you were/how are you doing? And lone and behold, you post on the thread. Good to know that you see the light at the end of the tunnel. Enjoy the time with your son and have fun.
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