Conversation Between NSangel and harkatsmom

78 Visitor Messages

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  1. Keep your chin up Sunshine...

  2. I love that cow you posted on rtlady's profile. It's mooost awesome!
  3. Where am I???
  4. tho forgets i have adhd/odd kid. i will settle for a non-nuclear weekend. LOL!

  5. I thought that you might get a chuckle out of that
  6. omg mom get yer mind outta the gutter! ROFLMAO!
  7. dropped in to share my favorite quote with you:

    To the powerful women in my life -

    Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders & says... 'Oh ...she's awake!!
  8. argh, i had a goodnite pic and i lost it.

    anyway, gnite, talk to you hopefully this weekend, if i survive the day out with my ADD mother *sigh*.
  9. omg you kill me.

    SOILING HIS OATS. sounds like a mia thing.

Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 60 of 78
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