Conversation Between NSangel and Mia001

30 Visitor Messages

  1. Long time no see....Happy Valentine day !
  2. hey ! what's up doc ?
  3. [IMG]file:///C:/My%20Documents/My%20Pictures/bugs-bunny.jpeg[/IMG]
  4. thank you so much for the seeds! i din't think you had enuf to go around, so i was so suprised when they came! the note was so sweet. my hubby can't wait to plant them, now he just needs to find time.

    does columbine pref shade? or full sun? i had mine outfront, they didn't last, not good drainage there either.
  5. yop, i found myself back lol
  6. i see your feeling more like yourself
  7. lol i must do something about that lol
  8. re: what a makeover. i could say the same, since when did you become a dog?

  9. wow what a makeover, i hardly reconise you lol
  10. LOL
    Hello !
  11. hi, it was cold here
    anyway, i had a nice day too, thank's
    good night
  12. thanks mia! i had a good day (for a change), went to park/beach for a bit. was a long walk! hope your day was good too.
  13. hi,
    sorry, i didn't answer to you messages
    i had too many things to do
    hope you had a great day
    Mia ;-)

  14. come boo's your friend..he's not mine! *sniff*
  15. thanks for the rep. you did answer my question about your view if that was the msg you meant. i love your kitty sparkly!

    have a great morning mia!
  16. must be noisy when fireworks go off if your that close!
    do you have any animals that are scared of them?

    it's a gorgeous day here, hope it's the same your way!
    have a great day!
  17. hi,
    not really,
    i used too see the early morning fog on the river , the wood and the hill,
    but houses were builted.
    The fireworks are almost done in my backyard. lol
    have a nice day
  18. watching fireworks from your window?

  19. Please, don't be. Than's God you're alive .
    Nothing special ,some work in the backyard.
    Watching fireworks from my window.
    Good night
  20. So sorry! i'm still alive!!!! thank you, happy canada day to you too!

    did you do anything special? we went and listened to a band called crossfire, i guess the lead singer's brother was on canadian idol, at the same time he was preforming! they were pretty good.

    we saw fireworks, some new ones. really nice when the shoot right at the waters edge. so pretty!

    thanks for your message! ttys

  21. hi
    Happy Canada Day !
    hey, what happen to you
    haven't heard since ...i don't know???
    take care
  22. sounds like maritime weather.

    if you don't like it, wait 5 mins
  23. Hi
    the weather here is kinda boring
    fog, sun, cloudy,rain, storm., hot, cold..we have had all of these on the same day for 3 days....right now it's cloudy and cold
    have a nice we
  24. it's kinda like this here (by the way, this is peggy's cove, one of our tourist attractions here in NS)

    supposed to rain today. but i'm not complaining. all week it has been gorgeous!

    what's it like where u at..and where u at?
  25. hi, then we laughed together
    thanks to you
    btw, how is the weather on your btf Ns?
    have a nice day
  26. hi mia, thanks for the laughs
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 30 of 30