Conversation Between NSangel and parisprincess

6 Visitor Messages

  1. you earned it! i donno what we do without u guys finding the words, half of us aren't even getting the newsletters :S so thankyou again!
  2. lol i just get them from the newsletters in my inbox!
    Lucky me... gets to start work at 8am everyday - same time the newsletters seem to get delivered to my inbox! LOL

    who or whom... that is the question............
  3. oops stars.. lol goodness its too early for this lol
  4. I am very jealous of all your starts lol
  5. What am I doing you say??

    Wishing I was sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeping zzzzzzzzzz

    have a fantabulous day!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6