Conversation Between NSangel and Trebleclef

14 Visitor Messages

  1. where is ya chickey?
  2. oh yes you can, you can have someone else pay the idiot tax
  3. wtf?? omg.. you guys live in caves or what? your thanksgiving is about the pilgrims landing befriendling the indians and pigging out right? and plymouth rock and all that jazz?

    our thanksgiving is about family getting together, stuffing a turkey and stuffing themselves.

    pretty much sums it up eh?
  4. LOL!!! Do y'all have a holiday like our Thanksgiving???
  5. o $HIT.

    you guys celebrate in november!!!!!

    how can anyone eat turkey that close to xmas???
  6. i can't believe you weren't already on my friends list.

    that list is getting long, i can't remember who all is on it and whose says: incomming friend request, and i accept with out even thinking anymore!


    this joint could use some sprucing up

  7. Hi NS! Hope you have a good night!
  8. oh i can have sugar chickey, it just follows with a 3-4 hour deep sleep.
  9. i'm sure your gonna blow them away at the fair...

  10. "You made me smile!"--trebleclef

    It's my job!
  11. hm..kinda empty here..

    Let me be the first then to:

    and don't believe a word they say about me. it's lies...ALL LIES I TELL YA!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 14 of 14