Conversation Between okgirl and annedougherty

16 Visitor Messages

  1. Happy Easter!!!!!!

  2. Happy Valentine's Day!
  3. Merry Christmas!!!

  4. Bahahahahaa!!!
  5. Here's three hours difference, I'll be out at that time. But I will leave with you my flyer guy. This one is not so hot but he'll bring better deals. Also I think there are minors who can look at the thread, careful! lol

  6. lol! I say we schedule the whining for 9am sharp. There's gotta be a better promo this week! Better break out the bananas early this week lol
  7. Good point! I'll ask her if it is a block or just slices!
  8. haha thanks for the rep. Run while you can!!! It looks like 500g brick of Black Diamond!!!!!!!!!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 16 of 16