Conversation Between Pepse and nicjosemm

7 Visitor Messages

  1. I have noticed that there isn't as many coupons available at the stores lately. The toy section in simcoe could be better for sure but just glad we have walmart so i don't have to drive to tillsonburg or brantford. Shopping in simoce has gotten so much better. I'm going to go to nofrills in portdover sometime, haven't been ther yet, have you?
  2. Well we where in Brantford yesterday and I wanted to see if they had a hamburger maker which they didn't and just picked up a couple other items.

    I will be going to Simcoe today and getting htem there

    You know it is bad, when you start dreaming about finding coupons lol

    I love Walmart here, could be a bit bigger but it will do
  3. since we got walmart in simcoe i haven't been back to the brantford one. I figure i know which cashiers to go to in simcoe but not in brantford.
  4. morning how are you? Had an issue in Brantford Walmart last night with the Herbal essense coupons, but man, that store is a mess, uggg
  5. good morning
  6. littlemoe0 started a thread in coupons for our area
  7. just you and me in the brantford /simcoe group so far, but i know littlemoe, and fishingmom are in the area(port rowan/port burwell)
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7