Conversation Between phgirly and ccmp1974

19 Visitor Messages

  1. It is done. Thank god. Thanks for asking.
  2. Thanks for the rep!!How did the exam go??
  3. Thanks for the rep!!
  4. Thanks for the rep!!
  5. I rep'd everyone. I have reached my max reps in 24 hours. Didn't know you could do that.
  6. Thanks!!Two in a row??How did ya do that?
  7. Thanks for the rep!! See ya this weekend!
  8. Thanks for the rep!!
  9. Thanks for the rep!!
  10. Happy Friday!! Thanks for the rep!!
  11. Thanks for the rep!!
  12. Happy Birthday!!!
  13. Happy Bir!thday!!Hope you have a great day!!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 19 of 19