Conversation Between putt and Mmmme...

6 Visitor Messages

  1. lol... I enjoy doing unusual things and seeing reactions.... within reason of course
  2. never mind. i figured it out.
  3. I began to answer you and it was too long... and should not be in a public place. will email you.

    Thanks for responding!
  4. oh hi again, Mmm! no, i'm not new, but i haven't had much energy to spend time on-line. i love this site and the "friends" i have made, but i was turned off at one point last year and backed off. wow; i'm just like joe public! one/two individuals affected me and i forgot to see the big picture...all the great people here. welcome, and check out the other contests found ifrom the forum drop-down and the games. i love bantering with a few regulars there...

    and of course there's a lot of bargains posted on this site.
    talk to you later!
  5. Putt, you are too funny...

    I thought about what I had written you, and relized that you hadn't entered yesterday's during the day. BTW are you new? Today was the 1st time I 've seen you.
    Thanks for responding! Enjoy what's left of your Saturday!
  6. yah... that whole sleuth thing...if you'd been in my head last night you would have found a place to enter it. lol. enjoy the week-end!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6