Conversation Between rebate queen and Jettred

19 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi,
    Been really busy lately, just logging in to get the words and that's about it. We are having a silent auction next month at work for MS & I have been living & breathing it lately. How are things with you??
  2. Come back, come back, come back Yvonne!!!
  3. Thanks for the rose--can't rep anybody!!
  4. Thanks for the cutie--hope your day was great!!
  5. Thanks!!!! Have a great weekend--it is going to be near 70 here this weekend, so tired of this winter!!!
  6. Love it!!!
  7. Love it!!!
  8. Happy belated birthday!!!!!
  9. Hope things are going better for you. Miss you.
  10. Hope you had a great Valentine's Day--thanks for the wishes!!
  11. Happy Valentine's Day to you--hope you have a wonderful day!!
  12. I'm getting close to gold because of all of you--thanks so much. Calling it a night.
  13. Thanks for all your rep--most appreciated!!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 19 of 19