Conversation Between rockit and Seleena_K

7 Visitor Messages

  1. thnx
    have a great day
  2. Great idea. Sometimes things like this work out for the best and you end up happier than you ever dreamed. Good luck!
  3. Hey
    doing fine. Job search is very bleak. Looking at going back to school. Just don't know which direction. Don't need to get training in something that's only gonna last 10 years like the last job I had. I need something that's going to last 15-20 years til I retire. Not good out there.
  4. hi rockit!

    I'm going good thanks .. how are you?

    I don't lurk very often here but I never log out .. so when I close the window, I think it shows me logged in even when I'm not.

    How's the job search going? Things are pretty lean out there, huh?
  5. I see you lurkin
    how are you doing?
  6. I totally understand, rockit. I think you're doing the right thing by getting up early-ish. It's too easy to fall into an "up all night, sleep all day" routine when you're without a job.

    We'll try to pick up the slack for you until you get another job and work 3-11 again.

    Good luck in your search!
  7. Hey Seleena
    No I don't really stay up past midnight anymore. I use to work 3-11 shift so it was no problem getting off work and staying up for a few hours. Now that I'm jobless I try to get a good start to the day by getting up around 8. I actually have adapted to this quite easily. I do however try to guess when the next winning word will be and set the alarm a few minutes to the hour and check and see if they are going to give out a winning word for that hour and I will stay up for that. But the rest of you's including you have picked the slack up quite well.
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