Conversation Between Salander and plurpe

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Oh, how nice of you. I've been trying to find a coupon for heinz ketchup. I also like coupons for bread, toothpaste, milk and pet treats (not food.) Thanks for asking. I will pay it forward and ask the person after me on another train I'm on. Hopefully someone will do that for you too!
  2. Hey - this is what I had sent...

    You're after me on Jenn's coupon train. I was wondering if there were any coupons in particular that you were looking for. If I have any of them, I'll try to send them your way.

  3. Hi there,

    I think you sent me a message but I can't find it and I think I accidently deleted it somehow. I was reading it and it disappeared. If it was you, would you mind resending it? Sorry about that, I'm still fairly new here and just figuring things out. If it wasn't you, please just ignore my silliness and have a great day!
  4. Hey,

    You're after me on Jenn's coupon train. I was wondering if there were any coupons in particular that you were looking for. If I have any of them, I'll try to send them your way.

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4