Conversation Between Sally888 and Littlemoe0

35 Visitor Messages

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  1. :sign17: Hope 2012 goes swimmingly for you. ( I know you always get a laugh out of this little fellow. Happy New Years.
  2. Never even thought of that, thanks for the vk edit Sally.
  3. Oh for goodness sake, I wish others were like me and stay right away from stuff like that, even if it is legit, I steer clear of stuff like it.
  4. Ya for sure! The parade is tomorrow, should be a good time.
  5. Uh oh, sounds similar to what goes on around here, we'll have to have a chat one day.
  6. Nope, but I do live across the highway from it haha, really long story but I finished my term and am done there. I didn't even renew my membership.
  7. Hey, you gonna be at your legion tomorrow? The president from mine is coming there for the anniversary party.
  8. Haha thanks!
  9. :sign19: Just remembering how much you like these emoticons. Hope you have a good evening, Moe.
  10. Omgoodnes! Really? Thats nutters..... Hope you had a good birthday.
  11. Thanks for the rep message Sally, and just so you know, I'm still arguing with eprize about that $20 gc to shopping channel, so once I hear back from them, and get it, it's yours, Moe.
  12. * was for little things for me to remember, who sent a second pm, maybe asking for certain requests, things like that.
  13. Thank you for the rep Sally, and here's hoping you and your family have a great 2011. Cheers, Moe.
  14. Thanks Sally for the rep and comment. Ya, crap happens, and at times we struggle today, to make our future a bit easier. It's not like we drive new cars and live in mansions, but we do enjoy everyday life and try to do the little things for our girls to make them happy. I totally agree with you.
  15. I think it's awesome and what a wonderful choice, I enjoy chatting with your pic, always have great talks.
  16. Sent the coupon thing online, then he can order and pick up whenever he wants to I figured that was the best way to do it
  17. I absolutely love it, that is the best one, and my lips are sealed, but you must tell me how you got the addy?

  18. And thanks for all you to here on SC.
  19. I know what ya mean Sally, went over at 8:30 a.m. to make sure the cooler was freezing up in this heat. Then on Tuesday, we had no hydro, so I couldn't open up, but sat around at home all day doing nothing just in case I had to rush to work, and of course, small business, you don't get compensated. Waiting to do ticks up as well for a wii draw, that's if the gal who looks after licenses ever gets back from holidays at the municipality.
  20. You know your dedicated when its almost 2 am and your printing off the Legion minutes for next weeks meeting and designing and printing tickets for the fish fry lol!
  21. We use to be friends LOL! For some reason I erased half my friends by accident messing around. Im not up to much volunteering at the legion in the morning so taking it easy
  22. HI ya Sally, how are ya this evening? I'm actually at work, shhh, slow night. Just pop in from time to time. Thanks for the friendship request, gab later, Moe.
  23. Boo!
    Did I scare ya?
  24. Thanks for the rep Sally, and congrats on making the 10,000 Club. Ya, we need new lives, lol. Take care and looking forward to 10,000 more, Moe.
  25. Thanks for the rep Sally, I haven't had to deal with honours and awards, but if you need any help, I can always find stuff out through a couple friends who held the chair.
  26. Was there for one night, we drove thru while taking my girlfriend back to California, and we saw so much in 16 hours, it was a blast. Did as much and saw as much as we could in such a short time. Hope you have a great time, and I'll fill ya in when you get back if you miss anything huge. Enjoy the vk, Moe.
  27. Ya were not much of gamblers to tell the truth, but theres tons of other things we have planned.
    Like soaking in the sun Lmao!
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