Conversation Between Sally888 and macw1960

5 Visitor Messages

  1. I think it is so gross that we have to use blue bags...who really wants everyone seeing what is in their garbage. Thankfully we use a garbage can too. Have a great day.
  2. Oh I was just saying I had to buy the blue glad ones with my fpc as they dont make the clear ones by glad that I could find. It kinda sucked since we have to use the clear ones. They let me use the blue ones though. I guess you can use the black one for donations to the sally anne
  3. Hi Sally, thanks for the rep and okay I guess I should have stated blue not clear... so I have gone to edit my post just for you.
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
  4. Thanks for the rep boost. I don't shop much in town either but I will go to Foodland if necessary. Have a great day.
  5. Thanks for the rep boost...glad to know that somebody else in my neck of the woods is enjoying this weather.
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