Conversation Between Sally888 and VeeVee

14 Visitor Messages

  1. The funny thing is its boo who showed me it, I didnt believe him hahah
  2. Oh..I actually only ever heard her radio stuff I might give it a search then
  3. Ya I was thinking about that a day or so ago too, tassles too. Were not limited to the vajazzle, it could be a whole new body art crazy like henna.
  4. YES! also we could branch off and do nipazzles! hahaha
  5. what about a maple leaf?
  6. I knew you would! I am thinking our first crystal creation be a SC design hahaha
  7. I freaking love it!!!!!!!
  8. Sally, I had an idea....what if we started a vagazzle company...kind alike Avon! WE create crystal designs and have vagazzle party's! WE can call ourselfs - Dazzle your vagazzle! - hahahahahahaha
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 14 of 14