Thanks for the rep!
Not sure if it was meant for me ? but thanks for the rep and Have a great weekend !
Thanks for the rep today!!
Thanks for the rep; Happy August!
Haven't seen you around in ages. Hope things are going well for you.
Thank you, and Congratulations to you and DH as well! I guess your one year is coming up soon then, about two months. We flew down to Sunny St. Lucia!
Oh, I know how you feel. Can't remember if you were around near the end of last year or not. I changed jobs. Well moved companies. So I was away from SC for about 4 months. Came back to SC in January. Was really busy trying to establish myself at this 'new' firm pretty well set now. Was busy planning the wedding with my now wife Along with being wrongfully evicted from our last place, and looking for and moving into a new place all within a week (3 weeks before our wedding) ...and then getting married! We were married at the end of May. Took a few weeks off, been about 2 weeks since we got back. Finally getting back into the swing of things with a calmer life right now.
Dobro sam, mada sam se malo razocarala veceras.....Imala sam oko 90,000 poena u SDM I posto nisam koristila karticu uzeli su mi poene pa sad imam veliku 0!!! Pitala sam da mi vrate points pa cemo sad vidjeti...mada ne vjerujem da od toga ima nesto smrcccc
May you laugh and sing and dance this weekend. It's mid-February-winter will end in one month.
Caooo!! Kako si? Ja malo dosla u Kanadu pa rekao da ti se javim
Thanks so very much for the birthday greetings!
Христос се роди!
Happy new year..
Merry Christmas!
Canadian Genius
Junior Canuck
Smart Canuck
Cat Trainer (Trainee??)
Canadian Guru
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Frosh Canuck
boogey-man slayer
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dealseeker/contest addict
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Tea ♥
Blessed with 4 children
Community Menace
Just Jez
SDM Optimum Queen Wannabe
Special Agent Gibbs
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