I really like visiting your website because I think your article is great. Thanks so much for sharing them. homepage
Thanks for the rep! have a great w/e.
Happy Victoria Day long weekend! Thanks for the rep this past week!
Hi, your inbox is full.
Hey! I am always looking for yes coupons! Will get back at you later as I am not home right now.
This is my profile pic . I'm actually going to change it soon haha https://www.google.ca/search?q=princ...GNDy0QGopICoDg
Good new year 2013 !
Thanks for the rep!! NP, I actually have that thread bookmarked. LOL
Just wanted to clarify on the post of mine you commented on in the rants section, the rant does belong in the forum, but that particular thread was just a rules thread. Right section, but the user is supposed to make their own thread, is all I was saying to them
No. My last name is Fitkowski that's why I have fitzgirl. Good try though!
Thanks for the rep, I always find it safe to post that just in case someone gets upset.
Was going to give you a rep but wouldn't let me...don't let feedback get you down left a little comment hope it makes sense ; )
Thanks for the rep
Thanks for the rep! It wasn't necessary but appreciated. Happy couponing!!
Random act of rep-ing isn't a good enough reason?
have a great weekend
You are welcome for the pin
Pink is my favourite colour as well The mat I got was in red, I think they are all red though
it only benefits her as in the end I am still confused why anyone would want to send the coupons and the bp and have no idea what coupons you will be getting !!
oh just going to read that thread. If they're $4 then YES otherwiseI havelots of the $2 and $3 Thanks and I'll get baack to you.
hi, wasn't sure if my CoverGirl coupons were of any use to you, I posted on your thread about the coupons you wanted
LOL ty for the heads up
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