Hi there! Hope and pray that you and yours are keeping well!
Good afternoon! Thank you for the rep.which is always appreciated. Hope that you and yours are keeping well and hopefully haven’t been inundated with snow. Not much of it around here but I wouldn’t mind some as too wonky not to have any especially in January. Always good to see you around! Take care my friend! Blessings to you and yours!
Thank you for the rep.,good to see you around. Hope you and yours are keeping well!
I'm so sorry, Hon...I can't imagine at all what it would be like to lose a spouse, but I do know that Avoncallingu, and 22Hicks have both gone through what you're going through right now, and I also know that either one of them would be willing to share whatever has helped them to cope. Avon lost her Husband one year ago this past January, Hicks, I believe 5 or so years ago. PM Avoncallingu...I know she'd share all she can to help you. God bless, Sweetheart...Lynn
your post about losing your spouse and laughing/crying at Lynn49's funny orangutan photo...oh God Bless you. I cried reading it. Have a peaceful Christmas(((hugs)))
ha ha !!! I LOVED the doggy raspberry b'day pic you posted! thanks.
Happy Valentine's Day!
hi thanks for the rep -and we are all here to help one another I am for sure -regarding the scop -of 2 different skus
Thanks for the rep! Lol Walmart is just awful sometimes.
Thanks for the rep!!
Thanks for the rep, I am trying to use up all my free Red Box codes before Feb 13th!!
Yes that's my Harley . They are such wonderful fur babies
Is that your pup in your avatar? He/she is ADORABLE!!!!!