Conversation Between seekthetruth and kaela

29 Visitor Messages

  1. popping in for a quick hello
  2. AWWW ty kaela. Hope you have a great easter.
  3. a easter hug from me
  4. have a good weekend seek
  5. cool avie. Have a good day.
  6. have a good day seek.
  7. thanks. It is okay I suppose. Lol.
  8. happy birthday,i see you found your thread. enjoy your day .
  9. friday and today was okay. Saturday wasnt real great. HOpe you had a great weekend and a better week.
  10. hope that you are enjying your weekend
  11. happy valentines day
  12. roflmao he is a nut. TY TY TY I wont forget the little people.
  13. wow seek you have your own fan club, i can say i knew seek when.
  14. all is well here. Glad to see ya. Like your avie.
  15. checking in its been awhile. take care

  16. hehe
  17. happy halloween
  18. yes it is a cold day, mitt time.if i could hibernate i would.
  19. good morning seek, they are all in bed.
  20. good morning seek
  21. enjoy the weekend
  22. good morning and have a great day.
  23. hi, i made the joke because these children fight all day everyday. they must have been happy to see "aunt kaela".one is my godchild.i must have tired them out playing dance dance revolution dvd game.(mine)
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 29 of 29