Conversation Between Sharpie and annedougherty

5 Visitor Messages

  1. You're welcome! hehhe I know but tomorrow they will be happy I had this flyer since Thursday :D
  2. Thank you thank you thank you!!!! I think most people are too busy eating turkey to notice the SDM flyer you posted yet, but you saved everyone from having to whine this week! lol
  3. You're right, lots to look in it lol...i had it on Friday but I thought that\s too early to post it...might get too confusing for the weekend shopping....
  4. oh thanks a million!!! I hate that Rexall flyer...too much in it lol, and I love getting it out of the way! Thanks for being so helpful to everyone and taking the time to post flyers.
  5. Hi Anne,
    I just posted Rexall PharmaPlus Flyer (ON) so you can start the new deals thread when you have time Thanks for doing that every week for us!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5