HOPE YOU CAN FIND SOMETHING YOU CAN USE!! I have tons of MULTIPLE coupons...but don't have the time to list all- if there is something specific you are looking for- please ask and I will check!
YOPLAIT- Choose from 1 tub 650g Yoptimal, Source, Asana or Creamy OR 6x60g Minigo OR 8x60g Tubes OR 3 single bottles or Yop- Maximum value $4.77 Expires Feb 29, 2012 (15+ Available)
Booster Juice- Recieve a Free Reg Smoothie with the purchase of another equal or greater value Expires May31,2012 (10+ available)
Booster Juice- Free Booster Bake with the purchase of a reg size booster juice. Coupon Valid June1-Oct 1, 2012 (10+ available)
Special K Blueberry or Oats and Honey Cereal- Save $1.00 Expires March 15,2012 (10+ available)
Kellogs any Fibre Plus Cereal- Save $1.50 Expires March 15,2012 (10+ available)
Mini Wheats Little Bites- any flavor Cereal- Save $1.00 Expires March 15,2012 (10+ available)
Special K Fruit Crisps or Bars 125g-138g- Save $1.00 Expires March 15,2012 (10+ available)
All Bran bars- any size- Save $1.00 Expires March 15,2012 (10+ available)
Manns- Save $1.00 on any 2 fresh cut vegetable products Expires March 31,2012 (2 available)
Frenchs- Save $1.00 off any 1 French's Dijon product Expires March 31,2012 (6 available)
Arthurs Fresh Smoothies- Save $1.00 off any 1 Expires March 31,2012 (6 available)
Silk- Save $1.00 off any 1.89L beverage Expires March 31,2012 (6 available)
Pam Cooking Spray- Save $1.00 off 141g-170g spray Expires March 31,2012 (6 available)
Naturegg- Save $1.00 off any 500g Naturegg simply egg white product Expires March 31,2012 (6 available)
Reynolds Parchment Paper, Cut Rite Wax Paper, or Freezer Paper $1 Exp 31Mar/12 (9)
Iams $3.00 off any one bag of Iams dry cat food 5.5lbs or larger Exp 30Sept12 (20+)
Iams $3.00 off any one bag of Iams dry dog food 13.4lbs or larger Exp 30/Sept12 (30+)
If I haven't listed something that you are willing to trade, message me and ask!
Wish List:
I am looking for Canadian coupons-(No printed coupons please and must be valid in Ontario) including:
Lactancia 4L Milk, Kraft Cheese slices, Campbells, Barilla pasta, Kraft peanut butter, Hamburger Helper, Post cereal (Corn pops, honeycombs) Laughing Cow, Crest $1.00, Coke/Diet Coke
* Also willing to trade for stamps or Canadian Tire money!