I tried to post one of those flashy Thanksgiving pix.... but I haven't a clue! Happy Thanksgiving!
I took a quick peek at the flyer today. Nothing 'jumped' out at me. I hope there's another bonus redemption before Christmas, like last year. i could always use some free test strips tho'!
Are you hitting up the SDM Bonus Redemption this w'end? I have the points... but I don't know if I'll make it...
nah... I didn't post my Sobey's brag. Ya think that's worth bragging about?? I didn't get a pix, anyway...
Hi Always nice to meet new friends! Thanks for introducing yourself!
gettin' any good dealios?!?!
LOL!! yeah... that IS a huge pix!! Sorry... I have NO idea!
Anyone..please help me get this huge pic off here...
WElcome to Smart Canucks!!!! 'bout time ya got here!!! :p
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