Conversation Between smb127 and babygonnermann

6 Visitor Messages

  1. LOL - Oh how I remember having to though a hot summer, so glad it is you and not me!!!

    If it gets too hot, you can come over for a swim!!
  2. i wish i missed summer ... that would mean i wouldn't be preggo and super hot.
  3. I did have morning sickness with my son, but I never was hanging over a toilet. Not that I'm doing it that often with this one, but it's just a pain the the butt!! I think we're having another boy, but only time will tell
  4. Thank you, that is the sweetest thing anyone has ever offered me before.
  5. LOL!! No, I think he would just try to eat the dog .. he does that now with my Walker Hound ... imagine what he would do with a tiny dog Thanks for the rep!
  6. Thanks for the rep!! I hope the fruit in the can was alright
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6