Conversation Between StephanieC and Jettred

18 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi, been away for awhile . . . just learned you got married. CONGRATULATIONS!!
  2. Thanks Jettred. Hoping you are doing okay. Thanks for your kind words. Makes me feel less sad. {{hugs}}
  3. I did--thanks for sharing with all of us, it was a beautiful tribute and I can sure see why he would be your best friend.
  4. Thought you might want to see my tribute to Scooby...
  5. We had a very nice Christmas--hope yours was good. We got an ice/snow storm here Sunday night & we are still trying to thaw out.
  6. Sorry, I was away from Christmas until today!
    Hope you are doing well and that you had happy holidays!
  7. Thanks for the kind words. I have lots of cleaning, cooking to do today & we are off to church late this afternoon & have a party tonight.

    Hope you have a very Merry Christmas
  8. Just got your message. I am so so very sorry to hear that you lost your Jett.
    I know how good it felt to have friends and support here, and I am sorry I just found out now.

    I hope Christmas will still be happy. I know some people probably think it is crazy to feel sad or deeply affected by the loss of a pet... but it's true that they are family members and we love them so much.

    This is my first Christmas without Scooby in 14 years. I feel her absence and I miss her. I want a large ornament for her, for the tree.

    I am sending you my hugs, and positive thoughts. Please message me, PM me, or write any time. HAng in there, and I hope 2011 brings you much happiness. I'll be thinking of you and Jett on Christmas Day.

    p.s. My blog is just ridiulous... the last few posts haven't been very funny, but some of the ones a little farther back are worth a chuckle or two.
  9. Hi Stephanie,

    Haven't been on here in awhile. Strange, but noticed your last response was November 11 & that was the day we lost our Jett. He had seizures most of his life & was on heavy medication to prevent them but occasionally he did have one or two, but they were not as violent as when he was younger. My husband & I miss him so much and even the 2 younger dogs we have still look for him.

    Hope everything is well . . have a very Merry Christmas
  10. Hi there Jettred! Still feeling physically ill and throwing up and all that nasty stuff, but feeling better emotionally. Still miss Scoob terribly. How are YOU doing??
    I blog now (but I swear a
  11. How are you?? Hope everything is ok.
  12. I know you still miss Scooby, they truly become a member of the family. We have 2 puppies we acquired from the neighborhood dog when she had pups. They are about 8 months old now & still chewing up everything in sight. They are a lot of fun & our 13 year old Jett is entertained by them.

    Take care, have a great weekend coming up!!
  13. Hey there.. I am doing much better in some ways, not great in others. Healing over Scooby, but I still miss her terribly.
    How are things with you??
  14. Not much on this end, just really snowed under at work. Sorry to hear we didn't win the contest, we all sure gave it a try. How are things going with you?
  15. So what is new and exciting??
  16. thanks for asking me to be your friend & thanks for the rep!! I can't seem to rep anybody lately
  17. How goes your Sunday?
  18. Thanks for the rep!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 18 of 18