Conversation Between Stewy and NatureBug

12 Visitor Messages


  2. Hope you have a safe and wonderful holiday season!
  3. Happy Halloween!! Be safe out there!
  4. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
  5. Being a sloth and all I hope you are going EXTRA slow in this heat!
  6. Hope you feel better soon! After just getting over a cold too, I feel for you. Hope you are taking your vitamins!
  7. I hope you are feeling better and everything is okay. We are all missing you here. Send us a smoke signal if you are lost in your room!
  8. Congrats on your win Stewy! I was sending some extra luck your way. I did not want Corus Quay to have a Marshmallow party. LOL. Hope you have a great day!
  9. "I really, really know where you are coming from and my dog just loves to stand out in the rain and look like a ."
    That is so funny. LOL Your dog's probably thinking "pay back". LOL
  10. Wet dog smell reps. LOL Phew! Stay dry!
    I really, really know where you are coming from and my dog just loves to stand out in the rain and look like a .
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 12 of 12