Conversation Between Sunraven and crazycoupongirl

23 Visitor Messages

  1. great photo .. and thanks i thought maybe u werent! lol
  2. Thanks for the Halloween post on my wall, hope u had a great one too!
  3. Yep, that's the one I am looking for. If you're looking to trade them, PM me with your request!

  5. 58 coupons but mostly twoonie for tummies too bad most of the people can't use them.. some great coupons out there !! ..
  6. Thanks, I'll have to keep an eye out for them! I read that you found 58 coupons in one day!!

    Good job!
  7. - HEy .. I found them at metro .. and they are $1 off a 4L bags of milk .. valid at metro and food basics.
  8. Yeah, SMT left me a trade rating, that's how I found out the envie was received on your end before you mailed out. I'm glad she did that too, because I had already packaged up replacement coupons for everyone and was going to be sending that out the following morning. So if she hadn't told me, I would have been out two sets of coupons...

    I think I know which GLAD coupon it is, I included it for you. Thanks for the response and see you on the boards. Hopefully by the time that cmoody envie reaches me the coupons aren't all expired.
  9. Well I haven't asked cmoody if she sent it but I can..
    and your envie was recived and i sent out all the train wishlists to people so u should get that any day

    and the glad one.. is 75 cents off and its a long coupon.. it saids on it bags doesn't specifiy only sandwich bags, or cling wrap. I dont have the upc as i am at work!
  10. "$.75 off any GLAD bags ( valid on garbage bags )"

    Hey, what does this coupon look like? Is it UPC 01219438?
  11. Hey, did my envie for your train ever show up? It hasn't been returned to me as yet.

    Also, haven't received your envie that's coming to me via cmoody, do you know if she posted it as yet?
  12. No worries about the trade and yeah that's my tree.

    Pretty funny pic of Santa and his reindeer you have there.
  13. merry xmas to you.. sorry your trade got lost on its way.. is that your tree? how nice
  14. So glad you liked them. I saw your post asking who sent your envie and I thought you wanted to kill them or something.

    SOOOO relieved!

    LOL - have a great night!
  15. I am working my BUTT off four shifts in a row.. so tired .. this week I have 4 days off so I can focus on this train for the granny's .. i just hope no more trains roll in!!

    let me know if u see it thank you so much again
  16. Hey, you're welcome! I think I saw Polident on sale this week but not Poligrip... keep an eye out. Hope you're having a good weekend.
  17. I got the polygrip for the residents I will see if i can catch it on sale! thank you so much
  18. Glad to hear that got all worked out. Looking forward to receiving your thanksgiving train, in time for Christmas. *LOL*
  19. I finally after 3 months ago sending this train out got it home .. heard many stories along the way. she did more then make up for it with her gift to me, but its not all about the gifts I would of preferred honesty from the get go. I got your special extras ready for this next train.. don't worry I'll make it up to u!!
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