Conversation Between tad01 and SCORPIO

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Merry Christmas beautiful!
  2. Hey there, hope you are well, but I would say if today if your Friday I guess that is a good start. I am off Friday and I am paying for it. So freggin busy I have had no time all week to rep or comment, or barely go on and read the posts but from the bit I have read it seems lots is going on with everyone so need to try to send some messages before the end of the week, and thanks to all the great people on this site I need to go on and get caught up with all the winning words. Good luck to you...hope you get a call.
    Anyway, I did see your note about this being your last day of work so I wanted to take a minute to say have a great and safe extra lonnnnggg weekend. Hope you enjoyed the wedding party without Take care, Wendy
  3. You have to post some more so that we can rep you!

    I have the first two weeks of August off. Willing to bet that the rain is holding off till then? lol
  4. Long time, no see on our thread. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas too!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4