Conversation Between theweave and Insane

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Merry Christmas Insane!!

    Carl and Chris
  2. Well like I say we have sought advice from no less then 5 different lawyers and everyone of them have said the same thing. But if things start going sour with them, we will not hesitate to contact them again. We are fighters and will make sure he gets everything that he is entitled to. Still have to check into "catastrauphic" injury, they are saying he does not qualify but we know someone alot worse then him and he got it. Everything is subject to interpretation, thus lies the problem and probably why a lawyer should be involved!
  3. But do it after he is discharged from bankruptcy. Otherwise, the settlement goes to his creditors.
  4. My friend was at fault too. He sued the insurance company on the basis that he will have long term care needs (and his insurance was stopping after 2 years maybe?) Once he got the settlement he wasn't entitled to anymore money from them though. It was a pretty easy process. The lawyer just negogiated with the insurance company. Before the insurance runs out you should totally sue them.
  5. Thanks for the advice on the insurance company and seeing a lawyer! Unfortunately, once they hear that A) the accident was Chris' fault and B) he faced criminal (not provincial charges) they want absolutely no part of you.... so far they have been great but if they start screwing us around, we may seek further legal opinions!
  6. I think you are talking to me but I really can't hear you very well! CAN YOU PLEASE SPEAK A BIT LOUDER?????????????? *LOL*
  7. If only you knew someone who could help you with that hearing problem! :p
  8. Hey never assume!!! You may an ASS out of U and ME!!! *LOL*

    Besides, I did not hear a word you said!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8