Conversation Between Thumpersmom and NSangel

11 Visitor Messages

  1. i miss you! how are you doing???? pm me!

  2. things'll work out..soon as we get rid of this hard to read font color! lol.
  3. I do!
  4. you realize it's too barneyified in here? haven't seen you lately in P&P thread. ppl are wondering what's become of you. you din't win a million dollars and forget your friends here did you???

  5. HELLO! glad yer still hanging near the computer. i'm going to be scooping..4 litter boxes here, i'm hoping the prize arrives soon, or i'm gonna have to go buys some!
  6. Look sista, flattery will get you EVERYWHERE!
    Now i don't know the details of your health problems, i don't want to pry, but I do want you to know that I'm saying prayers hoping you a speedy recovery. that you'll be back on your feet in no time, and get out and about. no one likes to be housebound. just don't forget about us here at sc. and to make sure you don't....
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11