Conversation Between toban and heartgirl99

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks heartgirl! When I belonged to a gym many years ago I felt so energized! Plus I need another surgery in the near future and building up better strength, endurance will help. And buying new clothes lol!
  2. good luck, toban! you're going to feel so much better!
  3. Thank you! 10 years is great! I use to belong to a gym approximately 10 years ago. It became addicting and I loved it. Women's only gym. This one is for men and women. I'm starting Wednesday. I have a free consult with a trainer who will check my fitness level and show me some exercises. I'm looking to it.
  4. I dislike Windows 8 too. I did the free upgrade to 8.1 and hated it too! My computer was acting wonky and eventually died. Probably something internal and nothing to do with windows 8. I just didn't like it. So thankfully I came across a refurbished Windows 7 desktop and bought it. Yahoo!
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