Conversation Between tracyo and FastNFurious

12 Visitor Messages

  1. Morning! He seems to be doing well with the patch. I sent the diary in and I actually received a new batch a couple of days ago so there was no interruption with no patches. I'm not sure if that is what is helping him, or just the aveeno. But whatever it is, I'm not changing anything. He still have a few spots, but certainly nothing compared to what it had been. How's your neighbor's child doing? Have a great weekend!!
  2. Hi Tracyo, just wanted to see how your lil one is doing with the patch? Did it improve it for you all? My neighbors lil one it cleared it up some but not all.
  3. Thanks for the heads up. The same for the neighbors kids, he is a bit clearer but they havent done anything different other then the patch. Thanks again
  4. Hi's it going? I just thought I would drop in and say Hi! How's you friend's little one doing with the eczema patch? My son is a little bit clearer and not as itchy I find. I'm using a new moisturizer too though. I emailed them this morning as I am on my last 7 days worth of patches. The organizers are going to be sending me more at no charge. So it would be worth it to contact them if your friend would like more. Take care and talk to you soon.
  5. is good to know someone with the same issue :o) Maybe in a week. Have a great day :o)
  6. Funny you ask that I was going to ask you the same question. Yes the dots are still there when its time to change the patch. So far no visual change except he hasnt been scratching as much. Maybe a week and we will see some real change.
  7. Hey FnF, How ya doing? How's your friend's little one making out? We are on day 2 of the patches. So far not much of a change. I took the patch off this morning to put a new one on and the two dots of stuff were still there. Did that happen to your friend too? I would have thought that the stuff would have been absorbed into the skin.....hmmmm. Have a great day :o)
  8. Ya my neighbor is going on day 2 of these. I really hope they work for him. Its so sad to see them itching and scratching themselves till they bleed. No relief. We have tried everything and just praying this will work.
  9. Thanks so much. Me too. I went to the website and saw that the trial is closed. The best part is if these work, they will send more. I'm so pleased. I have one on his back right now. I am hoping, praying these are a miracle cure. You have yourself a great day :o)
  10. You're welcome. I know its not easy having a child with eczema. Its a big struggle. I really hope these patches help your child as well.
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