Conversation Between Turkish_DeLight and Woofy

11 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks... I will definitely post pictures for all my wonderful SC friends to see!

    Cooking dinner now... You take care... we'll chat again!
  2. no worries hun everything happens for a reason and no matter what happens in life staying positive is the key
    i just pray to god you have a safe and healthy labour *hugs* and try not to do much get plenty of rest while you can oh yes and walk as much as you can ooooooo i cant wait to see pics of lil Ethan im so excited for you
  3. I cannot forget about you... Good to know that you are getting better each day.

    I just hope you will forgive me for not posting anything on your main thread... I couldn't bring myself to post there, especially when I have a baby meter...

    I am doing good... Getting tired easily... Otherwise, everything is well... I'm taking things easy and as it comes... whatever will be, will be...
  4. im doing well getting better each day forget about me how are you doing your day is so near you must be really excited hope everything is well
  5. Hey, you... How are you doing these days?
  6. for DH and i it doesn't matter if the little one is a boy or girl as long as they are healthy when they are born that's what matters the most
    ooooooooooo march 23rd your almost there you must be so excited i know i cant wait till its sept if you ask me now it seems like sept is soooooooooooooooooo far away
    well hun off to clean a bit you take care and dont overwork yourself
  7. Oh.. you are breaking out too... Hmm... a lot of old wives' tales say that when you break out, you are likely having a boy!

    Do you want a boy or girl? Or you have no preference?

    Yes, I believe he will be a great child. We will give him our best, and we'll have to let him live his life on his own.

    He is expected to arrive on March 23rd! Soon! Less than 7 weeks to go!
  8. i am really happy that your pregnancy is going well i pray to god all your pregnancies will be as good *hugs* yea i am breaking out too but to be honest i dont mind it compared to the naesea :D hehe Ethan seems to be a really good boy may he always be a great child and never put you through troubles when is your due date?
  9. I am doing good... Ethan is great... He has moved into position... Good boy! And he is a healthy 4 lbs heavy now!

    I hope your nausea goes away soon, and you can start enjoying your pregnancy. I really have been lucky. Other than the horrible hormonal acne breakout in September last year, Ethan has been kind to me.

    Take it easy eh... Hugs!
  10. cant rep need to spread some around
    the little one is good still giving mommy a hard time i swear i think i should just put a mattress in the bathroom
    how are you doing?hows Ethan?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11