Conversation Between [email protected] and fredamans

33 Visitor Messages

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  1. My Christmas was OK, hope yours was great, here's to a better year in 2014.
  2. Thank you for your message!
    I hope you had a fantastic Christmas, and I wish you the very best for 2014!
  3. Popping by to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

  4. Hi fredamans, i hope your Christmas was a really great one my friend, mine was fairly good.
  5. Wow, that sounds great, glad it was a great one my friend.
  6. It was awesome! The hubby got me a cake, even though it was just the two of us. He bought me jewelry and a kindle, I also got a new daughter pride ring from my mom, since mine was stolen years ago. That was a special surprise! We drank, ate Indian food, drank some more, ate cake and drank some more... LOL.... I really did have a magical 35th! Thanks again for the wishes!
  7. How did your birthday turn out, i sure hope it was a great as you thought it would be my friend.
  8. Thank you Vivian for the birthday wish! I think it's going to be a fab day!
  9. Hi Fredamans, hope all is well with you; thought i'd stop by to wish you the very best Happy Birthday ever.
  10. Error
  11. You're welcome my friend, hope it was a good one.
  12. Thank you for the birthday greeting! x
  13. Hi Fredamans, just popped by to wish you a very Happy Birthday, hope it's the best one yet my friend.

  14. A very Happy Thanksgiving my friend.

  15. And a Happy Easter to you as well my friend.

  16. Happy easter!
  17. Can you just smell the spring, and thank you for the Monday comment graphic.
  18. No, the picture is actually of my 33 year old son Chris he has 2 daughters, last year he became a bus driver for the city of Edmonton, Alberta.
    My day was sort of boring, tomorrow off to school to do a little volunteer ESL tutoring that should help the day not be so boring, lol.
    Have a great Monday.
  19. Hello Vivian!!!!
    Great hearing from you. I hope life is being kind.
    Wow, your photo has changed. Is this your husband? Looks like a happy camper!
    I hope you are off to a great start with Spring. Time to get planting soon.
    I'm off and running. Happy Sunday!!!!!!
  20. Hello my friend, thought i'd drop by and see what's up, hope you're good, i'm good. Have a great weekend.
  21. Thanks so much for the link you provided to me, i'll check it out later, have a great day in the big TO.
  22. Hello Vivian,
    Thanks for dropping by. I'm doing great actually. AM planning a trip to Toronto with my sister today. Should be loads of fun.
    How is things with you?
    Not sure if you are interested or not, but I have a book review blog. I also host contests there. Right now I'm giving away 3 different books, with a few more to come. If you are interested here is the url.
    Just make sure to leave a valid email if you win.
    Talk to you again soon, take care!
  23. Hi:
    Just thought i'd pop by to see how you were doing, good i hope, i'm ok.
    Chat later.
  24. Merry Christmas!

  25. Merry Christmas my dear, hope your day is magical.
  26. Thank you.
  27. I just wanted to say happy christmas to you, and i hope you're doing really good.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 30 of 33
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