Conversation Between WillowJune and theweave

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Yeah it does look tiny, and potentially darks and dirty from the outside too. That stinks. Thank you for the offer So far we're doing okay, the walk is pretty nice but I will keep that in mind. Replied to your PM.
  2. I wish they changed the PC on Colborne to FC but they didn't! I don't like the one on Colborne, it is so dark and dirty and much smaller then the other one!

    I have a vehicle and wayyyyyy to much time on my hands right now so if you ever need help in grocery shopping etc. Let me know, I am sure we could come to some sort of arrangement! BTW, in case it matters, I am a smoker! Check your private messages too!
  3. Aww, I didn't even know Price Chopper was any good lol. But there is still one on Colborne Street E, I think. Wow, looking at the flyer they seem to have good deals. Ragu + Primo soups $1, Cheerios $2, but I'm new to this lol. 1.7 km away though, I think might be too far for us to walk, and we couldn't stock up well. But if I had a flyer and were going to walmart, I could price match all those likely? Now to hope we get flyers soon. My partner grew up in Paris but we've lived all over since. We were nervous about moving right into downtown Brantford but so far, so good.
  4. Hi just noticed you on the FresCo thread and saw you were from Brantford! i am in Brantford too and live about five minutes from the FreshCo! I am still miffed they took away Price Choppers!!!!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4