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Thread: sales and deals

  1. #1681
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    Superstore downtown clearance cart by pharmacy Softsoap pink sticker 50% off $2.54 and clearance cart and metal framed bin in bedding section rugs and glass vases and clearance cart by dairy fridge still lots of fruit jar lids and outside the door clearance they had car snow shovel,snow boogie boards and I think it was some kind of baby stroller cover.
    Last edited by Poirot; Tue, Mar 13th, 2012 at 02:35 AM. Reason: added items

  2. #1682
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    Co-op Plaza Centre managers special Kraft smart dinner $1.29-$0.75 coupon=$0.54,in health and beauty deleted Dove hair care products $2.69 and there is other managers specials all over the store.

  3. #1683
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    Shoppers Drug Mart Village Mall on grocery clearance end aisle Starbucks medium coffee $6.99-$5.00 manager's special coupon=$1.99 5 or 6 left,cookie and cereal aisle still has manager's special coupon,in hair care Garnier Fructis mousse I think it was $2.29 in toothpaste aisle Orajel gum and tooth cleanser Clearout $5.99 and Orajel toothpaste for kids Clearout $2.29.

  4. #1684
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poirot View Post
    Shoppers Drug Mart Village Mall on grocery clearance end aisle Starbucks medium coffee $6.99-$5.00 manager's special coupon=$1.99 5 or 6 left,cookie and cereal aisle still has manager's special coupon,in hair care Garnier Fructis mousse I think it was $2.29 in toothpaste aisle Orajel gum and tooth cleanser Clearout $5.99 and Orajel toothpaste for kids Clearout $2.29.
    Not so good clearout price in the regular dishwashing liquid aisle Sunlight dishwashing liquid 625mL and the new Sunlight dishwashing liquid at the end of chip aisle is 740mL for sale $1.99 and in granola bar and fruit apple sauce cups aisle is Dole can sliced pineapple Clearout price $1.69 regular price was $1.79 compared to Dole can crushed pineapple Clearout $0.99.

  5. #1685
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poirot View Post
    Superstore downtown clearance cart by pharmacy Softsoap pink sticker 50% off $2.54 and clearance cart and metal framed bin in bedding section rugs and glass vases and clearance cart by dairy fridge still lots of fruit jar lids and outside the door clearance they had car snow shovel,snow boogie boards and I think it was some kind of baby stroller cover.
    It was interesting I was looking for a deal on a can of Franco American turkey gravy at Superstore I found it in the regular aisle on the bottom shelf not a deal price but I can wait for a sale but it was ridiculous beside it was Diana gravy in jars I could have written my name on the Diana gravy jar lids they were so dusty.

  6. #1686
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poirot View Post
    Shoppers Drug Mart Village Mall on grocery clearance end aisle Starbucks medium coffee $6.99-$5.00 manager's special coupon=$1.99 5 or 6 left,cookie and cereal aisle still has manager's special coupon,in hair care Garnier Fructis mousse I think it was $2.29 in toothpaste aisle Orajel gum and tooth cleanser Clearout $5.99 and Orajel toothpaste for kids Clearout $2.29.

    I went back for more Starbucks coffee this afternoon and sadly they have taken all the managers stickers off them so they are back to $6.99. Oh well you win some you lose some! glad i picked up as many as I did on the weekend.

  7. #1687
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    Shoppers Drug Mart Bower Mall in toothbrush aisle Clearout Blistex regular lip balm $0.97,Blistex berry lip balm $0.97 and Balea lip balm think it was called bergamon $0.97 and I can't remember what it was called it was some kind of device to stop people from grinding their teeth Clearout $9.99, on the candy display in front register #3 and #4 Clearout Ferrero Rocher chocolate 3 pack $0.99 and in dairy aisle Danone yogurt with $2 manager's special coupon and Activia yogurt with $1 manager's special coupon .
    Last edited by Poirot; Thu, Mar 15th, 2012 at 02:34 AM. Reason: added item

  8. #1688
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    Save On Foods 67 St in between entrance doors manager's special 12 can box Nestea Zero $2.99 regular price was $7.99 and in soap aisle Ivory liquid soap this store only sale $2.49 and Ivory soap 6pack $2.49 and in spice aisle reduced to clear McCormick garlic salt,marjoram and wasabi.

  9. #1689
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    Walmart Parkland Mall Clorox 2 bleach $5.00 clearance on bottom shelf on cleaning aisle and on end aisle facing cleaning aisle toilet roll cover $2.17 has $2 Cottonelle toilet paper coupon and $0.25 Cottonelle wipes coupon in it.
    Last edited by Poirot; Fri, Mar 16th, 2012 at 11:57 PM.

  10. #1690
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    Walmart South end of chip aisle Allan dessert bites candy $2.00 and soya and whole wheat flour $5.00 and in health and beauty end aisle Olay soap $2.00,sunscreen,Finesse conditioner $1.00 and lots of other stuff.

  11. #1691
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    Superstore downtown in natural foods fridge Nancy's soy yogurt 25% pink sticker,in natural food aisle Almond Dream 946mL $2.49-$1.00 peelie coupon=$1.49.

  12. #1692
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    Shoppers Drug Mart Village Mall LeClerc Celebration caramel cookies $2.79 each or 2/$5.00 have $2.00 manager's special coupon.I think there was 3 or 4 left.In cereal aisle Kellogg's mini wheats $1 manager's special coupon,in chocolate and hanging candy aisle on top shelf is Nestle Noir chocolate Clearout $1.79,in granola bar aisle on bottom shelf Everyday Market canned pears and fruit cocktail Clearout $1.29,Dole fruit jars Clearout I think was $2.49,in the laundry aisle Tide Stain Release Clearout $4.99 and in cracker aisle Clearout Premium Plus crackers $2.79.
    Last edited by Poirot; Sat, Mar 17th, 2012 at 01:28 AM. Reason: added item

  13. #1693
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    Sobeys Village Mall on clearance health and beauty end aisle L'Oreal Ellnett hair spray $3.99 and on grocery end aisle clearance there is Sunlight liquid laundry detergent $3.79,Compliments fabric softener sheets $2.99,Tide Stain Release $4.49 and lots of other laundry cleaning stuff.There is lots of the advertised flyer front page Stouffers and Lean Cuisine $1.99 in the regular freezer space and on the end aisle freezer.
    Last edited by Poirot; Sat, Mar 17th, 2012 at 12:00 AM.

  14. #1694
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    Shoppers Drug Mart Bower Mall in hair care aisle and on an end aisle Pantene shampoo and conditioner sale price $3.99-$2.00 peelie coupon=$1.99 peelie coupon only good at Shoppers Drug Mart and Pharmaprix and the bigger Pantene shampoo and conditioner regular price $11.49-$4.00 peelie coupon=$7.49 peelie coupon only good at Shoppers Drug Mart and Phamaprix.Cart by mall entrance has clearance hair care Gosh,Garnier Fructis and other stuff.

  15. #1695
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    Walmart South in razor aisle below razors there is clearance deodorants and hair colour.
    Last edited by Poirot; Sat, Mar 17th, 2012 at 09:45 PM.

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