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Thread: Points And Prizes - Sheknows Words v2

  1. #23731
    bbr is offline
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    Don't you hate it when the beside the black star the red number pops up with say '4' so you think you got 4 points for the page view - but when you click on it you only got 3 or 1 point.
    Pet peeve.
    Hunting for the high point pages is almost a waste of time. I find the easiest is as mentioned earlier, to click the headings and home pages in succession. Generally get 3 pts per click and can rack up nearly 100 pts before it only give 1 pt per click. Usually I don't get to that point as I only click when I am waiting between other work with the window open in the background.

  2. #23732
    LoveToSave wimbly11's Avatar
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    Just seeing this new change to P&P....I'm viewing the homepage and looking at articles but don't seem to be getting any points?
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  3. #23733
    First Aid Officer Ricki911's Avatar
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    Popping in again, been trying to keep up with words (not doing too well lol).

    Been working like crazy, and been looking for another job on top of it all. Been saving for a mobile home, as renting is a waste of money, and buying a house I'd be paying until I'm dead.

    Patches is still a little off, but shes doing a lot better. I'm getting her viral testing in a few weeks, and I think thats the issue. Stripes, Patches, and Toppie just turned two, and got a load of toys and treats.

    Marco just had his yearly checkup, very healthy. He comes out to play witht he cats, and loves chewing my wires (I swear repaced every wire).

    I have two new additions to the family: Max & Gizmoe!

    I adopted them from the Humane Society, they havent had a home in over 2 years. For some reason noone wanteed them. I havent had an issue, they are slowly coming out of their shells with time.

    I have a doctors appointment this coming week, then a few specialist appointments at the end of October. The new issue is I'm in the mids of a flare up, and myGI refuses to see me without a referral from my doctor. Yep, because I didnt see him in 12 months but he is still giving me a prescription I need a referral again. So Ive had to wait 2 months, as the pills arnt working and make it 10x worse. So Im asking to go to another GI, as if this is his rules then whatelse is he missing, or not doing even after explaining on the phone my issue (and Im a patient in the computer), they told me to get a referral after saying it will take a few months to get in to my doctor, they told me then wait I need a referral. So I lost one of my jobs waiting, while having to jump out the car every so often to go in the ditch, my other job luckily is seasonal and the season is over my boss was on the fence, and told me he may have to find someone else as I spent more time in a field going than working (we dont have a bathroom), my other jobs I've been taking any over the counter medication possible eventually it doesnt work. Yet, the government wont help a single way, not even with medicatioon because it isnt necessary.

    I got a new job at a local pet store, not sure how long it will last. They want you to proomote and push natural pet products many dont work. im not willing to lie about products to sell them, one being deworing and flea products. I make sure they know the facts, and Ive been getting told off about lying to them (which Im not). The one preventative flea product doesnt cover heart worm whereas the stuff from the vets do.

  4. #23734
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  5. #23735
    Smart Canuck
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    from facebook 9/20/12

    Tech Mom Hunt. Hint: Tech-savvy classrooms.

    *I didn't get the 5 credits for Tech Mom hunt on the above article yet the picture matches the one on facebook? Maybe you all will have better luck with it?

  6. #23736
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    from twitter 9/20/12

    Tech Mom Hunt. Hint: Keep your iPad safe and protected.

  7. #23737
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    Quote Originally Posted by wimbly11 View Post
    Just seeing this new change to P&P....I'm viewing the homepage and looking at articles but don't seem to be getting any points?
    Quote Originally Posted by Noodge View Post
    For anybody who isn't seeing credits or their points migrate over yet, not sure it will help but perhaps worth the try???....

    First, go to the site and check the burgandy banner click on "sign up to get started or login with existing account':

    Second, you will note the next step is registration where you click on "Go to Connect":

    Third, you will go to the below site where you 'register' by entering your email address and password you used when you logged in to P&P account:

    Even if you have done all three steps above and see your account under the SheKnows Rewards site, you still must log in each time you are on the SheKnows site to get click credits. That means you need to sign in to the SheKnows Rewards site AND SheKnows site to get credits:

    Otherwise, you are not signed in to any SheKnows site and will not get credits for clicking around even if you click on the Sept Tech hint, blah blah. I think some folks might remained signed in to the SheKnows site so they don't have to sign in to the sites each time. Just check the top right hand corner of the SheKnows site when you are looking to get credits. If you don't see the black bar with available credits, you are not logged in to their site.

    When on the SheKnows site or any of their partner pages, you should note a sign in option in the top right hand corner of the page.
    You click on the 'log in' and enter your email address and password.

    Then you will see the black bar that has your amount of available credits, etc.....even if your points and in migration you can earn credits. The black bar will have a message telling you that your P&P points are in migration and only tell you the amount of credits you have currently (won't include the P&P points that are in limbo).

    Please don't assume that P&P is that helpful and will transfer the points over for you even if you signed up on the new site. I think you need to make sure you log in to the SheKnows site too to have your points begin the migration process.

    I hope that they improve the amounts of credits going forward when the traffic dies off after transition time as we would all be over it and off.

    I miss all our chatter- good or bad. I wish that life's being good to all!!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Noodge View Post
    I would email them about it.

    I use these two email addresses when I have a question about the new site:
    [email protected]
    [email protected]

    You should get an email back from the 'zendesk' one saying they got your email and they are looking in to it.
    Others also recommended logging in then logging out then back in to see the "migration" message.

    We've all been struggling with the changes since start of Sept. Also, prize redemptions are on hold too on the new site. We are not sure when it will be reinstated.Good to see you back, wimbly11!
    Last edited by Noodge; Thu, Sep 20th, 2012 at 10:11 PM.

  8. #23738
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    Ok, this is what I have kinda (STRESS KINDA as I am not positive) come across regarding collecting credits on new site.

    5 credits for homepage visit up to five times a day = 25 credits
    3 credits for each tab* visit up to 5 times a day (there are 12 tabs as More and TV don't give credits) = 180 credits
    1 credit for articles under 11 tabs* up to 30 times a day (Contests, More and TV don't give credits) = 330 credits
    *tabs are Entertainment, Beauty, Love, Parenting, Pets, Home, Living, Food, Health, How-To, Shopping and Contests*

    That's about 535 credits a day NOT including the credits for tech hunt hints which are 5 credits Monday thru Friday (no tech hunt hints on weekends)

    Am I collecting those 500+ credits a day, NO WAY! Takes over an hour to do all that clicking around and I have average computer speed. Perhaps someone with lightening speed computer can tell us if they get through it faster if they are willing to waste an hour testing it out.

    I miss our old site but I miss your guys chatter more
    Last edited by Noodge; Thu, Sep 20th, 2012 at 10:42 PM. Reason: added tab clarification

  9. #23739
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    Quote Originally Posted by bbr View Post
    Don't you hate it when the beside the black star the red number pops up with say '4' so you think you got 4 points for the page view - but when you click on it you only got 3 or 1 point.
    Pet peeve.
    Hunting for the high point pages is almost a waste of time. I find the easiest is as mentioned earlier, to click the headings and home pages in succession. Generally get 3 pts per click and can rack up nearly 100 pts before it only give 1 pt per click. Usually I don't get to that point as I only click when I am waiting between other work with the window open in the background.
    I agree that clicking the headings repeatedly is the most productive way to get points. But also boring. If SK was looking for a way to ensure that people would not read their content, and leave in droves, I think they've found it. What do you think?

  10. #23740
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    @ Noodge, @ 2mbps (lowest "hi"-speed) it would take me more than an hour, plus I don't have the patience. So no way am I collecting that kind of points.

    Even someone who clicks every possible point will have far fewer than under the old system (even multiplying by 15 to arrive at the "old" points number). Granted the rewards are nicer, but charge so many "new" points that it would take 10 years to get a decent one.

  11. #23741
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    @ Ricki, it's good to see you. I sure hope and pray that you will get some answers and good medical care, and that your health will improve.
    zoodle, improperganda and Noodge like this.

  12. #23742
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noodge View Post
    from facebook 9/20/12

    Tech Mom Hunt. Hint: Tech-savvy classrooms.

    *I didn't get the 5 credits for Tech Mom hunt on the above article yet the picture matches the one on facebook? Maybe you all will have better luck with it?
    Me neither, Noodge, and it certainly seems that is the right page view. ??? go figure.
    improperganda and Noodge like this.

  13. #23743
    Smart Canuck star84's Avatar
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    Thank you to everyone who continue to post links for the new (but not improved) p&p! Very much appreciated

    Thank you Noodge for the breakdown in point collecting you did, it's so helpful!

    They're definitely giving us a lot of reasons to ask ourselves why we bother to continue to visit these sites. Okay, yes they have a lot of articles for different interests, but the frustration alone from this new program is a big turn off altogether. Maybe they'll realize this and roll out some improvements at some point? We can hope!
    I agree Noodge, our thread here just isn't the same since the change

    Do you want to earn GIFTCARDS with very little work? Try out Swagbucks! PM me for help

  14. #23744
    Smart Canuck zoodle's Avatar
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    thanks for the new links and the info (((hugs)))
    have a wonderful Friday Everyone!

    improperganda and Noodge like this.

    Life is Good

  15. #23745
    Smart Canuck
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    Hi guys
    Thanks for all the links and have a great weekend

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