Hi Noodge, hope everything is ok. We miss you!!
Hi Noodge - haven't seen you around lately. Hope all is well with you and your family.
Missing your friendly posts lately. Hope all is well.
Noodge - hope you are having a great day, and thanks for all the words.
My husband is the brave one - two teenage girls and a perimenopausal wife!!!
Thanks for the rep! Hope you have a great week!
Thanks for the rep Noodge! You're absolutely right, it was a little difficult to get a picture to post...the whole process i normally use has been really complicated... but i keep trying,lol
Thanks for the rep!
Thanks for your posts, Noodge... To answer your question, no BACCHUS is still unavailable to claim, but no big deal! I just accepted that extra code you dug up, HINT, as its replacement.
Hi Noodge, thank you for the rep! Have a nice week!
Hey Noodge, hope you're having a great weekend.
hey noodge you always are so sweet, mostly, and sorry there are idiots here and there. thanks for your synopsis and the 'words' where would we be without words? haha
Thanks for the rep! Unfortunately no entry to P N P Land GRR!
Thanks for the rep. Have a wonderful weekend!
Thanks Noodge for the lovely rep, right back at ya! Have a great weekend!
Thanks Noodge - she's actually had a bad run poor thing. Flu the week on Family Day and Scarlett fever (!) last week. At least my son did not catch it ... do you have children?? I hope that's not too personal...
Thank you so much, Noodge, that's very sweet to say. Have a great weekend, and thanks for the rep!
Thanks Noodge - have a great day!
Thanks Noodge! Hope your week's going well
Hi Noodge, and thanks for the rep. I'm in rep jail most of the time.
Thanks Noodge! I think seeing everyone be so helpful and caring towards others in our p&p forum just makes you want to do the same. Have a great week!
Hi Noodge, thanks for the rep. My day was quiet (nice). Have a great day tomorrow!
I keep thinking about it because she keeps mentioning it. She keeps asking my opinion each time she sees this guy. I know she just needs advice and confused of it all. I just dont want her to be hurt but also not to miss out on something that could be. Stripes is back to normal a little goopies in his eyes and been cleaning then. Patches is doing a lot better. She is playing now, drinking a lkittle more, and using the litter box today compared to in the cage, or in the margarine dish with litter in it.
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